Saturday 31 July 2010


Nate is becomming more like a real person every day. You know, recognising peoples faces and giving you a big smile when you come home from work or the shop. It is very nice.
That is why he has earned the right to his nick-name. Sean earned his, Sean-i-aki, a few years ago and now it is Nate's turn to be honoured with his.

Denna dag, en vanlig lördag

Morgonen började, som den alltid gör på lördagar med att Sean smög in i mitt rum, upp i min säng och bad om sin flaska.

Medan han åt fick jag äran att läsa två sagor, en om en pojke som får en sadel i present och försöker hitta en häst att rida på. Den är riktigt rolig. Den andra
heter Charlie Stinky socks och handlar om en pojke, riddare, som ska hitta prinsessans nallebjörn. En mycket underlig bok med massor av ord jag inte förstår. Stackars Sean kan inte få en förklaring på alla konsntiga ord. Jag ska överlåta den sagan till Gary i fortsättningen.

Sedan var det till att börja leta efter ett barnprogram som han gillar. Idag kunde jag inte undvika Spiderman, som jag försöker annars. Kanalen som sänder programmet var på sedan igår kväll och Sean hann se att det var action. Det är det han gillar bäst för tillfället.

I samma veva vaknade Nate så det var bara att fortsätta och ge honom hans flaska också. Han kunde knappt få i sig maten för att kolla in Sean som gav ifrån sig vilda tjut medan han tittade på sina super heroes.

När Alexandra och Gary vaknade till liv några timmar senare åkte dottern och jag till Liffey Valley. De har riktigt bra shopping där, men tack och lov kom jag därifrån med bara ett par nya hårband. Man vill ju ha lite pengar till aktiviteter i Sverige nästa vecka.

Kvällen spenderade vi med att titta på "The Lovely Bones". Fimen har fått mycket bra kritik, men jag tyckte inte så mycket om den som jag hade förväntat mig. Det blir för mycket amerikansk sentimentalitet som tar ifrån historien sin egentliga mening.
Synd, jag hade sett fram emot att se filmen.
Nu hoppas jag bara att "Inception" inte blir en besvikelse också. Den har jag mycket stora förväntnignar på.

Dags att lägga huvudet på kudden. Sean dyker väl upp vid sju- halv åtta i morgon bitti.
God Natt och Sov Gott

Friday 30 July 2010

Killarna med gammelmormor - The boys with great grandma

Kolla in killarna med Gammelmormor.
Det är nästan tre månader sedan de sågs, men nu får de snart träffas igen.

Gary's birthday

Today Gary turned 23. Wow, he's getting old the poor man.
I sent him and Alex off for a dinner at the Hilton in the city centre to celebrate.
Dinner with the "wife" and a few hours of baby-sitting is a fairly good present, don't you think? I thought so anyway.

The small monster was crying most of the time they were away, while the larger angel was understanding and let me get away with not reading a story at bedtime. (I promised him one in the morning when he wakes up).

Gary and Alex were happy with the dinner. The food was good ad they had a good time out.

A long working week has come to an end, and I'm pleased to have a couple of days off.

Thursday 29 July 2010

Sean's Graduation

Sean graduated from pre-school today.
Here he is with a couple of his friends.

Sean är en stor kille nu

Idag hade Sean officiell avslutning på sin förskola.
Han har egentligen redan slutat för en månad sedan men avslutningen var idag för honom och alla kompisar som börjar skolan i september.
Tyvärr kunde jag inte vara med eftersom vi inte får ledigt ens en timme från jobbet just nu. Alexandra och Gary var där i alla fall och tog bilder och filmade.
På bilden sysns Sean med sin fröken, Angela och Kiera.

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Only two days to go this week

Two days of work left.
Still complete madness in work. I really need a couple of extra brains just to let the current one re-charge.

I have Sean rolling around on my bed next to me.
Alexandra is in the shop and he is bored with Nate and daddy.

Just a little more than a week before the holidays starts. Haleluja.

Alexandra and the boys are leaving on Monday and it will be quiet and a chance to rest for a few days, but I will miss them also.

I have to get the suitcase down from the attic so I can start packing.

Have a good one. =)

Sunday 25 July 2010

Sunday morning

Sunday morning, waking up after a nice long sleep.
Sean is up playing with his Lego, Gary is with him, Alex and Nate are still asleep at 9.40.

We warched "2012" yesterdeay. Soooo american. The sentimental scenes are just as many and as cheesy as an american movie can get away with. Naturally it is the Americans who saves the world, again.
Yeah, sure the would.
We also bought "The lovely bones" on DVD but I am not sure when to watch it. It is such a cruel and disturbing storyline, but still I hear it is really good. Anything based on real life is always better that fiction. We'll just have to watch it when it is not too late at night so you get some time to talk about it after. I beleive you need to.

So, breakfast is done and I guess I'll get on with today's sewing. Trying to design a quilt for my bed. Not as easy at it might sound. I want it to be usable in any room without being a total colour miss-match. Good luck to me, hey?

Talk to you later. =)

Saturday 24 July 2010

Lördag, en ledig dag

Har tagit några minuters paus från symaskinen för att skriva ett inlägg.
Jag håller på att ändra kläder till Garys moster Shelley. Hon har gått ner i vikt och kläderna har börjat ramla av henne. Eftersom det är dyrt att köpa nytt har jag lovat henne att hjälpa till att sy in de hon redan har. Hon vill nog inte köpa nya kläder förrän hon är närmare sin målvikt.
På jobbet är det hysteriskt mycket att göra. Det går inte att hinna ikapp även om man gör övertid. Helt galet. Förhoppningsvis ska det lugna ner sig efter månadsslutet.
Jag längtar så till min semester om två veckor. Ska verkligen njuta av att inte behöva se kontoret på två veckor.
Alexandra är och färgar håret idag, så jag och Gary är hemma med grabbarna.
Nate börjar bli en liten person nu. Han till och med skrattar högt när Gary busar med honom. Har inte lyckats få honom att skratta med mig ännu, men det kommer.
Sean bygger och leker med sitt lego som han fick på födelsedagen. Han har suttit med det vid köksbordet i timmar nu. Han är underbar på det viset. Fantasi för tre och väldigt bra på att leka mitt iblan allt annat som händer runt ikring. Inget stör honom när han är intresserad av något.
Ja go'vänner, det var allt för nu. Sköt om er.

Monday 19 July 2010

All work and no play makes Anette dull woman

Work, work and more work.

Crazy busy in the office with a lot of parnters (1500+) signing new agreements in July.

Lots of coffee keeps me going.

Soooooo looking forward to the August holidays. Can't wait.

Thursday 15 July 2010

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Sean's birthday part 2

Today we celebrated Sean's real birthday. He is four. Can you beleive it?
Friends and family came over and Sean got a lot of presents.
Lots of Lego, a fireman outfit, a drumset (thank you Lindha), colouring-books, Power Rangers, toy cars and more. I can't remember it all.
Mammy and daddy enjoyed the Lego most while the pour kid had to sit and watch them build it.In fairness it was a little too advanced for Sean to build but the "big kids" had more fun than Sean for a little while. In the end he got his police station, garage and prison and he was very happy.

And the winner is.........

Is it possible to catch "the luck of the Irish"??

Since I moved to Dublin I have managed to win a number of competitions in work.
Today I won a dinner for two in the Hilton Hotel + a €50 voucher. Incredible.
The funny thing is that I won it for guessing how many hours of sun Dublin would have on a certain date. I mean, it takes a positive mind to give the answer I did (I guessed 12 hours in one day) and we actually had 10,7 hours of sun that day. Who would even think that is possible in Dublin? I must have had help from some strange positive power. Maybe a little green man wispered in my ear? It felt good anyway to win.

Monday 5 July 2010

Scary Gary

On Sunday night we all went to see "Critic" where Gary is the lead singer. As you can see from the above pictures he looked scary with his face covered in black facepaint. Did he get inspired by the kids yesterday?????
Anyway, as a first gig for the band they were impresssive with their unique style of music and stage performance.
Gary's lyrics are brilliant (and I'm not just saying that because he's family) and the guys look confident on stage. There are some great musicians here.
The little hick-ups weren't noticible to those who did not know what was to happen, and the gig went down well with the crowd.
Looking forward to the next one.

Sean's birthday part 1

On Saturday Sean invited his friends from the creche to celebrate his birthday (it's really on Wednesday).
There were nine kids + Nate in the house, and my godness you could hear it.
Alan and Shelley came over and helped out with the kids who played fotball outside on the grass and then got their faces painted.
After (and partly during) the facepainting, Gary read them the story about "Charlie stinky socks" and they all laughed really hard at that story.
They then had some snacks and cake and the house was very quiet again, until the very loud Nate started crying for food.

